
Sell More - Set Great Objectives For Meetings

A well planned and structured conversation leading to agreed outcomes is satisfying for both the buyer and the seller. Setting objectives for your next meeting can have a major impact on the outcome of any meeting. One of Stephen Covey's Highly Effective habits is "Begin with the end in mind". Exactly what is it you are trying to achieve at the meeting? Once you have thought about what you want to achieve then test the objective:- Is it reasonable? Based on past experience with selling this product/service to this and other clients. 'Chunking up' and 'chunking down' as useful ways to build up a vision or break down goals - you may know what you wish to achieve overall but need to create steps en route. These smaller steps may be the objective(s) for this particular meeting. Does the person you are seeing have the authority to make the decision/commitment you are seeking? If you don't know then find out before you meet. Not selling to power is a common mistake. Are you happy to educate people and just have comfortable conversations? Unless the people we engage with have the authority to make a decision (or are willing to help us get that authority), we will not make the sale. Why is it in their interest to make the commitment you will ask for? Put your client's need before your own. To you it may another sale to reach target, a way to raise funds, first sale for new idea or product. To your client of course it is a new way to work, a way to save money, make money, improve their life etc etc. ie people buy the benefit they will achieve. Empathy is very important. In their position would you buy what you propose? Why? Can you visualise them saying 'YES!' How will they say it - exclaim it as they decide the reason to buy? Happily agree with everything you say? Raise objections then agree after rationale debate? What is their 'proof strategy' (more about this later)? How will they feel when they say yes? This is a powerful technique to align your behaviour with the expected outcome. In future blogs we will discuss NLP, which I believe has a key role to play in selling to assist you to understand your buyer and modify your own behaviour if you choose. This approach delivers several benefits. It helps to drive the outcome that you want - and by definition will also help your customer since we will be selling a solution to their needs. It also helps to weed out the meetings that you don't have time for - ie if you cannot set a worthwhile objective perhaps you should re-set expectations or cancel the meeting. In summary, you can drive the objective setting of meetings to a large extent. Test your objectives beforehand and by using your sales skills ensure meetings are as productive as possible. By owning this process to the largest extent appropriate you can relieve your buyer of effort and enhance their productivity - s/he will thank you for it! http://www.softskillslimited.com/ http://www.theRobertJohnston.com/ I am the author. For over 25 years I have been very successful in selling and management. Working for some of the world's most well known companies such as IBM and Oracle. I'm based in the UK and now decided to follow my passion and set up a business delivering sales training. At my sites you can book on a course at a great offer price. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_W_Johnston

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